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Praise the Lord! Ministry TM  
Copyright 2005-
Until Christ Returns
Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.
Praise the Lord! MinistryTM (PTL!M) Statement of Religious Freedom.
PTL!M does not support the attack on any faith or religion and it's respective God.  PTL!M believes that
everyone has the inalienable right to serve their God to the best of their ability and to interpret and exercise
their faith and belief in their God.
While hanging on the cross Jesus asked the Father to remove this cup from me. He
hung His head and said, nevertheless, not my will but Thy Will be done.

In this world you shall have tribulation; but in all of these things you are more than a
conqueror.  You have no strength of your own, but you can do all things through Christ
who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).  When you are weak, it is then, that you are
made strong (Isaiah 40:29).  Tribulations come to move us out of God's way.
Tribulations come to break us, to make us, and to refine us.

In this world you shall have tribulation; but in all of these things you are more than a
conqueror. You are born again. God chose you to suffer for Christ's sake. God chose
you so that He would get the glory out of your life.  You may be harassed overtly, covertly
or subtlety. God is allowing the enemy to break you to teach you to pray and to teach you
how to pray and what to pray. The Lord is preparing you to have the mind of Christ
(Philippians 2:5).  

You will run through troops and jump over walls (Psalm 18:29). They that wait upon the
Lord, He shall renew their strength.  You will mount up on wings as eagles, run and not
be weary, walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). You are more valuable to the Lord than the
sparrow (Matthew 10:31). Patiently wait on the Lord.   

Thank the Lord that He has chosen you to suffer for Christ's sake. It is humbling, an
honor, and a privilege to see God's perfect Will being done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice!

The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be
revealed in us (Romans 8:18). The Lord has promised to avenge us swiftly.  Vengeance
is mine saith the Lord. (Deuteronomy 32:35) If thou dash thy foot against a stone I will
give thee Angels charge over thee (Luke 4:11 and Psalms 91:12).

Everything that the Lord allows Satan to throw at you is to test your faith in God. After so
many test and trials, God will bring you to the place where you will say,"okay God, I know
that this is really a test about my faith in You. You have my attention. I will sit right here
and watch You make my enemies my footstool!"
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