Praise the Lord! Ministry TM  
Copyright 2005-2020
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Praise the Lord! MinistryTM
Statement of Religious Freedom

Praise the Lord! Ministry does not condone nor support the attack on any faith or
religion and it's respective God.  PTL!M believes that everyone has the inalienable
right to serve their God to the best of their ability and to interpret and exercise their
faith and belief in their God.

Praise the Lord! Ministry does not support or condone any speech, action or activity
that violates the religious rights, freedoms, or beliefs of another group, individual,
or culture.  

Praise the Lord! Ministry does not support any activity or speech that violates the
rights or freedom of an individual, group, or organization and their respective God
or religious leader.

Praise the Lord! Ministry vehemently condemns any activity, speech, or actions
cloaked under freedom of speech when it violates, attacks, or mis-characterizes
an individual, group, or organization's religion, their God or religious leader.